Monday, March 04, 2013

I hate voicing out my opinions

1: [I was staring blankly at this guy in lit class who kept going on and on about what he felt about a certain passage from 'the great Gatsby'. Honestly, I never really understood the need to have a discussion about your feelings towards something with such a big group of people. I would understand the need to express ideas just to know which point of the spectrum you are on, or to gain insight - but feelings? Then again, I wouldn't share my opinions with more than people at the same time, either way.]

2: [I was staring blankly at the guy in lit class who kept going on and on about what he felt about a certain passage from 'the great Gatsby'. Honestly, I find it strange how people would want to discuss their feelings towards something with such a big group of people. Isn't it frightening? 

Voicing out in class is like putting your (personal) views up on a pedestal, allowing people to oppose them, strip them of their worth. People like defending their ideas and they'll want their idea to be right (therefore, yours, wrong). They will have views on whatever you said even if they don't express it. Isn't it simply too frightening? 

I think I'm only able to trust people with my opinions, one at a time. It also heavily depends on who the person is. I want to talk about things I care about like everybody else, just.. not in front of a whole group of people whom I do not know or barely know. 

Writing here is fine because there's no direct opposition. Also, when I'm here I feel like I'm writing to myself and for myself even though I know people do read. Somehow I'm able to magically ignore the fact that this place is still, to a large extent, public]


Version 1 didn't feel genuine so I wrote version 2.

I kept version 1 to remind myself that I always try to come up with some form of reasoning for my behavior, when what lies beneath is simply my reluctance to accept my vulnerability. Pure feelings of vulnerability and insecurity.

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